Well, I did something today brand new, never attempted or done by me before.

We are away from home for Easter weekend with our youngest daughter and her husband, having visited my brother and his fiancée on the way.

image00566655We don’t know any of the congregations here and I was reluctant to walk into an unknown worship site on Easter Sunday. So my wife was checking online for times and found a congregation’s website that reported they would stream their sunrise service live. So we connected.

It was all right.

love_one_another_I think, in this age of obsession with technology, this would be a valid ministry and should be seriously considered by any congregation wanting to reach out with Good News for those undecided about Jesus, as well as those who can’t (or won’t) arrive in person.

As for the message, the preacher (Glen) proclaimed Christ had risen, proof that Jesus was more than human, indeed the Saviour.

So we dressed to go for worship, and went virtually. I was fascinated by the method, delighted by the inspiration, intrigued by the possibilities and happy to have joined in the circle of celebration that went around the world.

Gives me a new perspective on “streams” of living water.

Thank God for those who expand their repertoire of mission tools. Praise God for Good News worth passing along.