I’ve had a computer ever since we bought our Vic-20, RAM memory expandable to 64kb. For those too young to remember, it was tiny and worked on cassette tapes. 

Vic_20 and Tape Player

Oh yea, if you are too young to know what a cassette tape is, it was the sound version of a videocassette. Oops, for those of you too young to remember those, it was a DVD on a long magnetic tape that went round and round from one reel to another. Oh my, for those of you too young to remember DVD’s, it was what Blu-ray is now.

The Vic-20

I have a netbook now with a 2Mb RAM, about the size of my old Vic-20. Except that the Vic-20 had a clunker of a monitor (our TV, not the ultra-thin ones people have nowadays with huge screens…) that was bigger (and definitely heavier) than most microwaves nowadays.

Now, all this doesn’t need to make me old, since nowadays technology changes monthly, not by century. Well, some would say I am old, I guess. In some restaurants I can order from the seniors’ menu, but not all restaurants count me a senior.

I change as I age, or at least my body does. Climate changes. Governments change.

But there is something that never changes. “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever” (Hebrews 13:8 God’s Word).

And we can count on God. “We have known and believed that God loves us. God is love. Those who live in God’s love live in God, and God lives in them” (1 John 4:16 God’s Word).

No “oops”,“oh, yea” or “oh my” about that.